Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Missing my Cy like crazy

So I haven't given picutres on what's been going on with Cy. The doctors won't release him yet so he's still in the children's hospital in Hawaii with fevers on and off :( I miss that kid so much I cry! I miss Loni and Collin too! They all just need to come home :( The grandparents have been awesome though. Mom was out there for about a week with them at the hospital, and then when she came home Connie (Collins mom) Went out there and was with them for about 4 days then she left and then Dad went to be with them and is there right now! I'm so thankful that mom dad and Connie have been able to fly out there at different times for moral support and so that Loni and Collin can relax some even though it's hard to. Here are some pictures of Cy, the ones of him walking are the best because after not walking for a week when they got him up to walk he said to Loni "mommy, my legs don't wort" HAHA He is so sweet!! So the next day they had a physical therapist come in help him get walking again so now his "legs wort" haha! He is the sweetest thing and is being so strong and has the sweetest spirit, the nurses just Love him. He's so polite, everytime the nurses come in and do some stuff to him he always says "Thank you" Please keep Loni, Collin and Cy in your prayers. And for those of you who have already had them in your prayers and thoughts thank you! Loni and Collin are very thankful! I love and miss them so much and hope they get to come home sooner than later!
Singing to the TV

Look at that sweet face
Holding his Blue

Finally got to eat: This is Friday June 5
Loni FINALLY got to hold her Cy this was also Friday :( I cried when she sent me this picture

Nama and Mommy walking with Cy
Papa, Mommy and Cy. Look how cute he is!!

Cy and Papa playing with his soccer ball!


Jacki said...

ohhh the picture of Loni and Cy brought tears to my eyes. Poor little guy. I hope he gets better so they can come home soon. Tell Loni to take care of herself too. Thanks Lachelle for the updates, your awesome!

Jobi Niu said...

That picture of Loni holding Cy made me cry too... My Gosh, Ijust feel so bad for the lil' guy, he DOES have the sweetest spirit. HE's so dang cute and innocent! I love that your Dad is out there right now with him too. Thanks so much for updating, we'll keep them in our prayers.

Katiedollz said...

Cy were thinking and praying for your speedy recovery!!! Love you baby!!!
Auntie Keiti

Kayla R. said...

It was so nice to visit with you and your fam!! I am glad he is doing better:) thank you so much for keeping us all posted!!! hey i need your email so i can invite you to my BLOG:)email me kaylarawle@gmail.com LOVE YOU girl ttfn

Hayward Family said...

SIS!! You are so sweet to keep an update of Cy! He loves you SO MUCH and I'm so thankful to have you as his aunty!! You really are the BEST!! You are so sweet and FULL OF LOVE!! We are so happy to be home!! I love you!! Thank you!