Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Alllriiight everybody! Brace yourselves for this post... As you all know from November to New Years is my most FAVORITE time of year! It's the best season! This Thanksgiving was just as special as every other Thanksgiving we have together, even though we didn't have everyone there with us. This year Jaymz had Andelyn for Thanksgiving which we were all so excited about but he ended up staying in Vegas and spending it with Cher and the Cher cast. At first it was upsetting because I was really looking forward to seeing and being with Andelyn during Thanksgiving but I had to come to an understanding that Jaymz has the rest of his life to spend Thanksgivings with us and will not be dancing for Cher for the rest of his life so this was probably a one time thing. We also didn't get to have Jon, Tasha and their family here. Every other year we spend Thanksgiving with moms whole side of the family, and then on the off years everyone spends it with their in laws and other family, so that's what Jon and Tasha did this year, they spent it with Tashas family so we didn't get to see them on Thanksgiving :( I guess we have to give everyone a turn. Uani was also supposed to come to Utah for Thanksgiving but plans changed and he ended up staying in Oregon... I was bummed and missed him but we can't always have things our way:) BUT we got to have Loni, Collin and their family, Leesa, Shane and their family and Aunt Lou was also in town from Arkansas so we also got to have Aunt Lou and Grandma here for dinner! :) We ate an amazing dinner, hung out and visited and were all stuffed as ever!... but not too much later we ATE AGAIN! With Thanksgiving comes Thanks, which I LOVE! There are so many things in my life that I am Thankful for, I'm blessed with so many amazing things and people in my life that I'm Thankful for! I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving :) Here are a thousand pictures from our Thanksgiving!... Enjoy :)

Happy Thanksgiving from our baby C.C.

Dig in everybody!

Mom and her namesake

Cute dad

The Beautifuls

The women of the house

Lon, C.C. Aunt Lou, Grandma and Ash

Sisters and Mom!

The glue to our family :)

Cute Coles with Laurel

Cy eating with the big boys

Everyone stuffing our faces...YUMM!

His favorite sisters;)

Our little Austie boy and his beautiful eyes!

Checkin out black Friday sales lol..

Our favorite thing to do... Wrestle!

C.C. Standing for Papa


Kayla R. said...

Its my favorite time of year also!!! Love all the pics, LOVE YOU!

Hayward Family said...

SO CUTE sis!! haha.. That was fun! lol... We always have fun though!! YOU ALREADY KNOW!!